Thursday, October 31, 2013

Treating for Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can have several causes, but it's most frequently a side effect of medications or medical treatments. Treating dry mouth is important, as the saliva that coats your mouth keeps bacteria and fungi under control, minimizing your risk of tooth decay. To combat dry mouth, Dr. Alin Alkass suggests that you drink plenty of water, avoid smoking and using tobacco products, use a humidifier at night, limit your caffeine intake, and breath through your nose as much as possible. You should also brush with fluoride toothpaste and use a fluoride rinse frequently to build up your enamel and fight tooth decay.  Lastly, there are saliva substitutes available if necessary.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tooth Sensitivity - What You Can Do

If everyday activities like brushing, chewing, flossing, and drinking or eating hot or cold food items cause pain in your teeth, you may suffer from tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity is commonly caused by worn tooth enamel or gums that have receded to the point where the roots are exposed. To treat sensitivity, Dr. Alin Alkass recommends visiting your dentist to determine the cause and work out the best solution. Your dentist may suggest using fluoride treatments to build up enamel, using sensitivity toothpaste, or undergoing a sealant treatment to fill in receded gums.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Are Dental Abscesses?

A dental abscess forms when pus from a bacterial infection accumulates in the soft tissue of your mouth. There are three types of abscesses. A gingival abscess occurs only in the gums, and doesn't affect the surrounding tooth. A periodontal abscess occurs in the soft tissue that surrounds the bone structures that support your teeth. And a periapical abscess occurs in the soft pulp within a tooth. For treatment, your dentist will drain the abscess and remove the infection. Dr. Alin Alkass notes that it's imperative that you receive treatment for an abscess right away, as an untreated abscess can become life-threatening if an overwhelming amount of bacteria from the abcess enter the blood stream.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Some Things to Know About Dentures

While they do take some getting used to, dentures are a great solution to tooth loss. Many people believe that once you receive dentures, you're set for life. However, Dr. Alin Alkass notes that this isn't actually the case. Dentures stain and wear down and, because the bone and muscle structure in your face is always changing, they need frequent adjustments to ensure that they fit properly and work as efficiently as possible.If you have dentures, you should visit your dentist at least once a year for a refitting, and you should replace your dentures every five to seven years.  Are your dentures loose?  Do they shift when you eat?  Are you using an excessive amount of denture paste?  There is a way to secure your dentures using dental implants.  Usually two to four implants are surgically placed in the jaw and special adapters connect the dentures to the implants!